If you are not on the Internet, you do not exist.

Mauricio Gutiérrez

November 23, 2020
The dizzying growth of the internet means that our business website can get lost in the noise of information. Therefore, it is not enough to have a website and wait for users to access it, we must reach these users and facilitate their access to quality information.

This headline is a phrase I heard and agree with. But, if you are on the internet  and can’t be found then you don’t exist either. Hence, the importance of digital marketing.

The dizzying growth of the internet means that our business website can get lost in the noise of information. Therefore, it is not enough to have a website and wait for users to access it, we must reach these users and facilitate their access to quality information.

Consumers are becoming more educated and demanding every day. They make intelligent purchases and support their decisions. Consumers use systems such as Google along with social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube.

In effect, marketing techniques must change their paradigm. Previously, distributors, media, and producers had the power of opinion. Today, it is necessary for you to be on the Internet and strategically allow consumers or potential customers to find you and contact you.

The correct use of Big Data in digital marketing can tell brands what their customers want and when they want. As a result, consumption rates increase.

Digital marketing has advantages such as:

  • It’s Global: Clients can be anywhere in the world; the reach you want to have with your product or service depends on you.
  • It’s Interactive: The Internet is a two-way communication channel, even a multi-way one. In the digital world, there is constant feedback.
  • It’s 100% measurable: We can have the personal data and preferences of any user who visits our digital media. We then analyze information in order to perform effective actions for our brand.
  • It is Hyper-Segmentable: We can directly reach the market niche we want to reach in the most direct form and channels according to tastes and preferences.

It is extremely important to plan strategies where factors such as needs, time, tools and above all investment are analyzed and optimized. By combining these factors we can achieve the proposed objective.

There are many tools that must be taken into account for an optimal online strategy such as:

  • SEO: SEO is the strategy of positioning a website, (Search Engine Optimization). Surely, when you have a question, the first thing you do is search for it on Google. This is when Google’s algorithm comes into action, which analyzes various factors. Better optimized websites with quality content will appear first. 

  • Social Networks: Social networks are a very powerful tool to attract potential customers. Many people think that managing a social network has no difficulty, but this is not the case.  Technical and professional details must be considered when adapting texts to your audience. Effectively communicating with your audience is paramount.

  • UX Experience: It may seem like a complex term, but it simply refers to providing a pleasant experience to your website visitors. Important UX details such as content, correct links, and screen adaptability must be worked on. Above all, UX must present a pleasant and strategic design that generates the actions we want to be performed on our website.

  • Inbound Marketing: Let’s reverse the marketing pyramid; that is, instead of looking for your clients with advertising, they will find you. With the quality of the content published by your brand, we will let them find you more easily. Consequently, this will generate important experiences for both the consumer and your brand.

  • Remarketing: Thanks to data collected through digital marketing, we can generate campaigns with advertisements (even personalized ones). We then reach users who visited you before to turn them into buyers and advocates for your business.

  • Digital Analytics: It’s not just about seeing the traffic a website has. Digital analytics considers all digital channels we are using and the KPI’s that we consider to influence our brand. Analytics allows us to measure and analyze important factors through data that help us optimize channels.

Today’s market is changing with technology and requires us to adjust our strategies to current resources. The growing trends in technological innovation require us to make better use of the Internet. Every marketing strategy must include online communication in its media plan. Tools such as websites, social networks, chats, blogs, e-mail, apps, etc.

The better and easier you are to find on the Internet, the more likely you are to make yourself known, have a good image, and improve your sales.

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