You may find a certain reference in your future. It will be a general struggle. You may find that you have to work harder than you thought. However, it’s going to be worth it when you look back. Effort is essential to success. It can be hard to see long-term value, but it has a tremendous impact on your life. Never take the easy way because that’s not what leads to success and happiness.
A spark of inspiration gives you an idea, but effort turns this idea into something concrete and tangible.
How do you go from an idea in the mind to a reality in the world?
For example, how does inspiration become a painting on the wall? Or in a book on the shelf? Or in a great speech that inspires people to change their behavior?
The effort is what makes inspiration real.
Of course, we all need a spark of inspiration to boot. But the effort is what turns that idea into something concrete and tangible. Well, as it is common to hear “an idea is worthless until it is put into practice”.
The effort is hard work. But it’s also what brings things to life, you can make one mistake after another, until it becomes perfect. Without effort, there would be no art or literature or music or dance. It is an important part of the magic of life.
You may think that effort is a simple action. But, in reality, the effort triggers a chain reaction in your body and your mind and from a certain point of view causes miracles to occur. When you’re stuck in your own head, it’s hard to see past the mental noise of trying something new or reaching a goal.
But when you strive to make good things happen, the chain reaction begins:
Your brain starts producing endorphins that make you feel happy, confident, and optimistic. These feelings can help you get into the flow of reaching more goals. This doesn’t mean you have to achieve results every day, it means taking steps toward self-improvement (as often as possible). The more often you act, the easier it will be for you to improve than if you choose to get stuck and try nothing new.
Effort trains you to face difficulties of any kind with serenity, courage and determination.
An effort is a struggle. And that’s why we have to learn how to use it and accept it for our own benefit.
We will never achieve anything effortlessly. It’s just not possible. It is an element that transforms you into a better person and makes your dreams come true. The harder you try at something, the greater the reward at the end of the road for you and everyone around you.
Effort transforms you into a better person and reveals more your intrinsic value as a human being.
You will see that having goals and aspirations will help motivate you to try harder. As you achieve them, you find it easier to establish new ones and reach them as well.
The effort also makes you a better person, as it builds your character and increases self-confidence. When we strive, we not only change ourselves, but also our circumstances. The more time we spend working on something, the more likely we are to succeed in it. This can lead us down different paths than we had originally planned for ourselves or even those we did not imagine possible before starting this journey. It doesn’t matter if these changes are good or bad because each of them leads us to new opportunities.
Effort can make your dreams come true.
Let me illustrate my point of view with a personal example. I consider that I have always been a great dreamer. I like to think big and dream about what I could be or do.
I started my path as an entrepreneur more than 20 years ago, forming Neo Creativa (one of my companies) was not easy, because you have to strive to do something new, make those dreams come true, dedicating time, energy and hard work.
But the time came when the magic came: success came from failure and progress came from trying new things and learning along the way while having fun doing it. The more effort you put into your life and your dreams, the more likely they are to come true.
In all areas of our lives, we have to learn to strive to really improve and achieve our goals.
When we really want to achieve something, we have to strive and learn to persevere. Only if we strive will we be able to achieve our goals.
The key is that, in all areas of our lives, we have to learn to get up every time we fall, learn from our mistakes to really improve and achieve our goals.
I end by quoting Mahatma Gandhi’s phrase “Our reward lies in the effort and not in the result. A total effort is a complete victory.”